Trick or Treat: Weird Halloween Laws

Halloween is a holiday that calls for the weird and wacky.  Here is a sampling of the ten most absurd laws by some of our elected representatives around the world.

#10. Women in Merryville, Missouri, are prohibited from wearing corsets under their costumes. But overtop? Not so clear?

#9. Trick or treating on Halloween is forbidden in Reboboth Beach, Delaware, when Halloween falls on a Sunday. That day is reserved for Football!

#8. The U.S. State Department issued an advisory in 2014 to American citizens abroad to citizens “traveling from their home to a Halloween party or vice versa to cover up their costumes while in public or in a car.”

#7. In Dublin, Georgia, a city ordinance makes it illegal for any person over 16 years of age to appear in public wearing a mask, sunglasses, hood or any “regalia in such manner as to conceal his or her identity”. The jails must have been full during the pandemic!

#6. The city council of Hollywood, California, enacted a law to “possess, use, sell or distribute Silly String” in public from 12:01 am on October 31 to noon on November 1st. But all other Holidays … spray away!

#5. The town of Vendargues, France, outlaws clown costumes for Halloween and the entire month of November. Hopefully this INCLUDES mimes!

#4. The City of Newport News, Virginia, prohibits any parent or guardian who is accompanying his or her children to “wear a mask of any type”.

#3. Alabama law forbids Halloween revelers from dressing up as a “minister of any religion, or nun, priest, rabbi or any other member of the clergy”. What about a flying nun?

#2. City ordinance in Belleville, Missouri, prohibits any teenager over 12 from “trick or treating”. Once you hit 20 year old does it become a choice?

And now for the Number One. [Drum roll, please]

#1. The prize goes to the Walnut Creek, California, City Council that enacted a law that prohibits any person of any age to “wear a mask or disguise on a public street” without a permit from the sheriff. The line for permits must reach around the block!

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